A warm welcome & first-class care
We would like to take this opportunity in welcoming you to East Yorkshire Dental studios. We are pleased to accept new private patients to all of our 4 sites
We have provided a link below to enable you to fill in our confidential medical history form before your appointment or if we could ask you arrive 10 minutes before your appointment time to allow you time to fill in the medical history form at the practice.
We’ve invested heavily in training, dentists, therapists and nurses and can provide the best that modern dentistry has to offer. These advanced services and skills allow us to accept referrals from dentists in East Yorkshire, Hull and surrounding areas.
Once you have arrived at the practice you will be given a warm welcome by one of our receptionists. They will then check you in on our computer system and will ask you to fill in a confidential medical history form, if you are able to attend 10 minutes before your appointment time to allow you time to fill in the medical history or download the medical form now and fill in your medical history before your appointment and bring it along with you.
One of our Dental Nurses will call you in from the waiting area and take you through to be introduced to your dentists. The Dentist will then carry out a comprehensive assessment of your oral health checking not only your teeth but your gum heath and soft tissues, previous dental treatment you may have had, they may also take x-rays and photographs. This will also give you an opportunity to discuss with your dentists past experiences you may have had.
Once your dentist has completed your examination they will then sit with you and discuss your treatment needs and options you have and make sure you understand what treatment is needed if any, they will use the dental x-rays and images they have taken using our in surgery screens to illustrate to you your treatment and how they propose your treatment is carried out.
Once you and your dentists have come up with a treatment plan you are both happy with, they will then print out an estimate for you with the proposed treatment and costing. You will be given a copy of your treatment plan and further appointments and payment options can be discussed then. We take great pride in offering the highest standard of dentistry.
Once you have completed your treatment with us, you may decide to join Denplan our pay monthly scheme to help you with your dental needs. For more information about the denplan and pricing please ask one of our reception team.
Some of our patients once they have completed their treatment like to book in for the next examination there and then at reception however if you are not able to do this then we do have systems in place to send you a recall this can be done either by text message, e mail, phone call or letter which ever you would prefer to let you know when your examination is due.
Your dentists will advise you of your next examination due date this can vary from 3-24 months depending on what your dental needs are.